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02-08-11 Amended
Conservation Commission
MINUTES - Amended
Regular Meeting – February 8, 2011 @ 7:00 pm
Town Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT
Present:  Commissioners Cramer, Gaudet-Wilson, Henderson, Kaley and Wright
Staff: Tammy Hazen, Clerk

The Public Meeting was called to order at 7:12 pm

Public Participation – Bill Pieragostini and Ron Pollard were present to discuss the Point O’ Rock Trail.  Commissioner Cramer motioned to move the Point O’ Rock trail to first on the agenda.  Commissioner Henderson seconded the motion.  Motion was approved unanimously.

Correspondence – Commissioner Kaley discussed information from Ann Astarita regarding a Forester from DEP (Larry Russo) who would provide free consultation regarding forest management.

Commissioner Wright joined at 7:28 pm

Approval of Minutes – Commissioner Cramer motioned to approve the minutes of January 25, 2010.  Commissioner Henderson seconded the motion.  The minutes were approved unanimously as written.


Fairfield Hills Open Space Recommendations – Commissioner Cramer stated that Deborah Zukowski’s subcommittee of the Fairfield Hills Master Plan Review Committee (FFHMP) is meeting on Thursday at 7:00 pm to prepare for the public forum.  She invited members of the Conservation Commission to attend in order to answer any questions they may have.  Commissioner Wilson stated the importance of having representation at the FFHMP major committee meeting.

Tech Park IWC Public Hearing – Commissioners Hovious, Kaley and Wilson met to discuss the commission’s recommendation.  Commissioner Kaley will attend the Inland Wetlands meeting scheduled for February 9, 2011.  

Yale Report Update – No update.

Logging Trail/Open Space – Commissioner Wilson spoke with Michael McCarthy and stated that the commission will be able to review the proposed open space crossing soon.  Mr. McCarthy submitted a letter asking for two crossings instead of one.  The commissioners reviewed a map of the property.  After their walk, Wilson will draft a recommendation for the commissioners’ review and forward it to Ann Astarita for the Inland Wetlands meeting.


Review of Committee Assignments – The commissioners reviewed and updated the Conservation Commission’s Organization and Project List.  Commissioner Kaley will update the list and send out for review.  An action item list will be compiled and updated on a regular basis by the clerk and sent to commissioners Kaley and Wilson.

Status of Membership – The commissioners discussed the open position on the commission.


Point O’Rocks Trails Discussion – Commissioner Kaley confirmed that the Commission decided to revisit the site in the spring.  She discussed Commissioner Hovious’ report stating that he researched the approval of the trail on Point O Rocks Preserve.~ He found a reference to mountain bike use in April 8, 2008 minutes that indicated the Commission took a position that mountain bike use on open space would be considered on a case-by-case basis.  Bill Pieragostini asked if the neighbors could be notified when the Commissioners walk the property.  

Open Space Inventory and Maintenance Progress – No update.

Property Marking Plans, Surveying Status – It was noted that Rob Sibley had stated that the surveyor began marking Sweetbriar, as well as re-marking the Point O’ Rocks Preserve.

Natural Resources Inventory Status Report – No update.

Conservation Subdivisions – No update.

Possible Review of Invasives Presentation – The commissioners reviewed the draft presentation on Invasives.

Aquifer Withdrawal Status – No update.

TBDAC – No update.

The commissioners thanked Martha Wright for all her hard work and dedication to the Conservation Commission through the years and feel her and look forward to having her as a valuable continuing asset

Commissioner Cramer motioned to adjourn at 8:47 pm.  Motion seconded by Commissioner Henderson.  Motion carried unanimously.